Update: the Vogue.com article was updated on May 3, 2021. The top image on this post has been changed to reflect the new title but the text below has not.
Do you ever Google yourself? I’m guilty as charged. For Hangerbee, I have a Google Alert set up so I don’t have to sit around googling things but sometimes links fall through the cracks.

Which leads us to today’s blog: I found something very interesting on Google the other night. Our products were featured in an article on Vogue.com. Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. On Vogue. What makes things even more amazing is that the article is a year-old, having been posted just as the world was shutting down due to Covid and I was busy focusing on other things.
The article, titled “Everything You Need to Know About Caring for Vintage Garments” by Vogue Shopping Editor Lilah Ramzi, discusses some must-have items for clothing preservation – and Hangerbee padded hangers made the list!
We are thrilled to see our wooden hangers featured in this article and we hope you take a minute to read it and check out the other items that are mentioned too. We are glad to see Vogue focusing their efforts on how to preserve and protect the fashion history that so many of us have in our closets. As a preservationist, my goal is to keep important garments from deteriorating, no matter how old or young they may be. My grandma’s dress, my grandpa’s judicial robe, my mom’s hand-made wedding dress, and my dad’s service attire produce myriad of emotions and memories for my family and as such, deserve a few minutes and a few dollars of TLC to make sure these increasingly fragile garments are able to stick around for generations to come. And we’re so happy that Vogue.com agrees that Hangerbee hangers are a great way to help accomplish this.
What products do you use to protect and preserve your vintage and heirloom textiles? Hop on over to our Instagram and let’s chat.